Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mayan Genocide

Mayan Genocide 1981-1983



Historical Background

In 1944 a new enlightened government was put into rule over Guatemala. This government was pushing to  put Guatemala on the economic map by starting coffee plantations and flourish those businesses.  In the early 1960's civil war erupted because of the inequalities in the economic and political life. This war was fought between the government of Guatemala and various rebel groups including the Mayan people.  In the 1970's the Mayan had decided to protest against the repressive government to gain the equality of the Mayan language and culture. During the 1980's the Guatemala army installed "Operation Sophia", with hopes to end the Guerilla warfare. They targeted the Mayan people, who were believed to support the Guerilla 

Important Dates 

1944- New enlightened Government
1962- Start of Civil War
1981 - Mayan leaders protested against the Guatemalan government and the government responded by the start of the Genocide. 

Nations/ Groups/ Individuals Involved

Efrain Rios Monnt 
Mayan people - the target of this ethnic cleansing
Guatemalan Government - used the Guatemalan Army as"killing machines"
Efrain Rios Monnt- Dictator of Guatemala
USA - provided military support to the Guatemalan government in the form of arms and equipment
(The US support was understood as strategic or indifferent to the fate of the Mayan people.)

Reasons and means of Promotion for the Genocide

It was believed that the Mayan people were working towards a communist coup. Guatemalan army created "Operation Sophia" to end the Guerilla warfare. This operation target the Mayan people and ignited the beginning of the Mayan Genocide.

 Important Dates/Events During Genocide

1981-1983 - 2 years of 'The Silent Holocaust' 

Atrocities Committed

Mayan communities were exterminated en masse using cruel methods. Those methods include rape, beating, thrown alive in to pits where dead bodies were thrown, and being impaled and left to die.  The army destroyed 626 villages, killed over 200,000 people, and displaced 1.5 million, while more than 150,000 people were forced to seek refuge in Mexico.

Peace Settlements/ UN Action 

In 1991 peace talks were set up in the UN, but their progress was poor. They resumed in 1994 and an accord on human rights protection was signed by the government. A peace agreement was finally settled and signed in 1996. Part of the peace agreement was setting up The historical Clarification Commission to investigate atrocities of the civil war and genocide. 

Any Criminal Charges/ War Crimes Tribunal

 On January 26, 2012, Efrain Rios Montt, former Guatemalan dictator, was charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.

Current Status of the Nation 

$50.81 billion USD in 2012
GDP per capita 
$3368.49 USD in 2012
Life Expectancy 
Total population - 70.6%
Male 78%
Women 63.3%
HIV rate
Adult prevalence rate 0.7%
Government Type
Constitutional Democratic Republic
Literacy Rate
Total population - 70.6%
Men- 78%
Women -63.3%
Level of Peace and Freedom 
The government has made a huge leap forward in the struggle for openness and taking accountability. They have made many laws that strengthen the peace and freedom of the people. Although there is laws to promote equality, discrimination against indigenous Guatemalans is still evident.

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