Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rwanda Genocide

Rwanda Genocide (1994)


The country of Rwanda in central Africa

Historical background

Historians have several theories that the first settlers of Rwanda were the Hutu, while the Tutsi migrated later and formed an unique ethnic group. In 1884 German began ruling through the Rwanda monarchy. Th Europeans believed that the Tutsi were more Caucasian that the Hutu and there fore superior over them. Belgian forces took over Rwanda during World War I and continues to rule in the same way. They put the Tutsi's in charge of the colony and the Hutu were subjected to hard labour. Identity cars were introduced to identify a person as a Hutu, Tutsi, Twa, or Naturalized. This prevented movement between the different classes. The Hutu nation began to grow stronger and the Rwanda Revolution started when the Hutu's began killing Tutsis. From here on the racial conflicts between the Hutu and Tutsis continued to escalate leading up to the genocide. 

Important dates

1894- Germany Colonized Rwanda
1918-Belgium assumes control of Rwanda
1933- Belgium classified everyone as Tutsi, Hutu, or Twa
1959-A Hutu rebellion begins against the Tutsis and the Belgians
1961-The Tutsi Monarchy is abolished
1962- Rwanda gained independence
1988- RPF is created in Uganda
1990-The RPF invaded Rwanda, starting civil war
April 6 1994- The Hutu president was assassinated
April 9 - July 1994- Genocide erupts and thousands of Tutsis are killed
Mid July 1994- The Rwandan Genocide ends when the RPF gains control of the country

Nation/groups/individuals involved

The genocide was carried out by Hutu Supremacist military groups, the state of Rwanda, the Rwandan army, and Rwandan civilians complete with the " Hutu Power" movement. Many people took refuge in Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda and former Zaire. 

Reasons and means of promotion for the genocide

The Rwanda genocide took place because of racial issues between the Hutu and the Tutsi group. When Rwanda was first colonized the Europeans believed that the Tutsi had more European ancestry and were therefore treated better and given more opportunities such as leadership roles, which upset the Hutu. When Rwanda was struggling for independence from Belgium the Belgians switched that status of the two groups. The Tutsis did not like this. Because of past events there has been an ongoing conflict between these two racial groups for several decades. However the specific reason for the genocide taking place was due to the increased involvement of the Tutsis in the government again which weakened the Hutu involvement in Rwanada. Finally the assassination of the Hutu president Juvenal Habyarumana was blamed on the Tutsis and thus began the slaughter of the Tutsi.

Important dates/ events that occurred during the genocide

April 6, 1994- Hutu President's plane crashed. 

April 7, 1994- Genocide begins. Armed forces from Rwanda begin the mass murder of the Tutsis and Hutus who sympathetic for the Tutsis. 

April 15, 1994- Mayor of Rwanda lead the Tutsi to the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church with them believing that they would be safe inside. Instead the Mayor sold them out to the Hutu extremest and it took over two days to kill the 2000 people inside the church.

April 21, 1994- United Nations removed its troops from Rwanda, due to the fear that peacekeepers were being killed. 

July 4, 1994- The RPF gained control of the capital city  and planed on reforming the government of Rwanda. 

July 18, 1994- The genocide ends. 

Atrocities committed

On a large scale the genocide was carried out by hand often with machetes and clubs. Victims were rounded up and killed in churches, hospitals and schools. Grenades and guns were also use to kill people in the streets. Witness survivors from the genocide have also mentioned that people were set on fire, being cooked alive in vats of oil, babies being fried, women were raped and children were skinned. Over the course of 100 days and estimated 800,000 to 1,000,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutu's were slaughtered.Recent reports have actually estimated that the number is closer to 2 million people. There was between 300,000 to 400,000 survivors of the genocide. 75,000 survivors became orphans. Between 250,000 to 500,000 women were raped during the 100 day period and up to 20,000 children were born as a result.

Peace Settlements/ UN action

During the years leading up to the Rwanda genocide, there was a civil war taking place between the Hutu and Tutsi, however neither the world of the United Nations stepped in to intervene. The UN failed to successfully intervene in the crisis because it lacked an objective, or proper view of the crisis. It also lacked funds, supplies, and skills needed to intervene. The United nations did not think that the issue was genocide at first because there had been an ongoing civil wasn't and they instead thought that the deaths were just war casualties. While the United Nations assisted before and after the genocide they did not intervene during the genocide in a way that could have prevented the death of many individuals.

Criminal Charges/ War Crimes Tribunals

The International Criminal tribunal for Rwanda is an international court that was established in November of 1994 by the United Nations Security Council in order to judge people who were responsible for the Rwanda genocide.

Current status of the nation 

GDP (2012): $7,103 million
GDP per Capita (2012): $389.60 US Dollars
Life Expectancy: 58.85 years
Adult Literacy Rate: 71%
AIDS/ HIV Rate: 2.9%
Type Of Government: Sovereign presidential republic.
Level of Peace Freedom: Rwanda is remarkably peaceful country. The Rwanda Patriotic Front , the former rebels who stopped the genocide, has worked hard to get rid of racial divisions. However in order to achieve this piece the current president has had to rule with an iron fist. There is no freedom of press or association and there is not an opposition parties.

Holodomor Genocide

Holodomor (1932-1933)


Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic

Historical Background

Prior to the Ukraine Genocide there were massive deportations of farmers, as well as religious, intellectual, and cultural leaders. This lead to the death of millions of people due to famine. Political debate and collectivization are claimed to be the main causes of this genocide. The government and political figures were aiming towards a society that shared agriculture, food, land, and resources among everyone. They believed it would be extremely beneficial for the economy and demonstrate equality in society. Farmers and peasants strongly disagreed and refused to cooperate with the government. Since the political individuals and farmers had opposing views conflict arose. 

Important Dates

1917- The Russian Federative Socialist Republic is formed which later became the Soviet Union
1919- Ukraine declares independence and develops an independent state. Ukraine is left out of the hearings regarding the Treaty Of Versailles
1921- Famine begins in the Ukraine as food is being exported to Russia to supply Russian cities. 
1922-The Soviet Union becomes united with Ukraine
1924- Joseph Stalin gains power in Ukraine
1928- Stalin makes plans to begin collectivization. Land is taken from citizens
1929- Enforcement of the collectives begins. Hundreds of inhabitants(mostly farmers) are sent to Siberia to starve.
1932- The production quota is raised to 40% the death penalty for theft of grains is introduced. 
1933- Russification is brought to the Ukraine. Borders between Russia and the Ukraine are closed. Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany (See Holocaust)
1934- The USSR joins the League of Nations. House representatives introduce a resolution which called for the condemnation of the Soviet Government causing destruction of the Ukraine people

Nations/ Groups/ Individuals Involved & Reasons and means of promotion for the Genocide

The Holodomor genocide was promoted by the Russians, specifically the Russian government and Soviet Union. The individuals involved with the Russian groups in power had ultranationalist opinions and beliefs they believed that to have a strong nation, with the most power possible they needed to eliminate any other culture or cultures posed a threat towards their identity. Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union wanted to industrialize society. Stalin was greedy and wanted to be superior and rich by stripping peasant and farmers of their goods and products. The Soviet Union sold and distributed those goods and products among Russia.  The majority of Ukraine and the Ukrainians were left with minimal resources. The Russians were getting all of the money from the sold products which contributed to a strong economy. Since the Soviet Union and government had a strong economy they thought that discontinuing their actions of collectivization would weaken their economy, society, nation, and identity. Russia demonstrated nationalism and ultranationalism because they, and especially Joseph Stalin were willing to deprive Ukraine's from their way of life, for the good of their own nation. 

Important Dates/ Events during the Genocide

Atrocities committed 

The most common method of killing was by starvation, Although millions were dying because of malnutrition and starvation, thousands of children and babies were dying due to birth defects. Some victims also died because of the diseases and illnesses such as: Typhus, Malaria, and Typhoid Fever. 

Peace Settlements/ UN action

Since the Holodomor genocide, The United Nations and many other organizations, foundations, and agencies host events and charities in memoriam of the victims of the horrific man-made famine. Although the Russian Government continues to classify the tragedy as a "one sided falsification of history", Holodomor is the focus of considerable international documentation and research. In november of 2006, the Parliament of the Ukraine released a decree stating that Holodomor was a deliberate Act of Genocide/ As of today, more than twenty four nations recognize the catastrophe as a genocide. the united Nations say that they can not change what has happened in the past but that can expose the violations of human rights, restore the dignity of victims by acknowledging their suffering and preserve the historical records. The can also guide future societies to help everyone avoid similar adversities. 

Criminal Charges / War crime tribunals 

There were no criminal charges laid against anyone involved in the Holodomor Genocide, but victims and family members are coming together to get justice. In 2006, Ukrainians were asking the population to gather information and evidence with details about what happened during the genocide in hopes to open and investigation with the help of Security Service. Thousands wanted justice to be served so they could have a sense of closure. Unfortunately, Ukrainian parliament member Gennady Moskal says, "From a legal point of view, what the security service is doing id absurd..." he believes that individuals who would need to testify would be too old or even dead. Although there are doubts that a criminal proceedings will be given to the Russian Government, many Ukrainians and people across the world believe Russia should take full responsibility for the genocide. 

Current status of the Nation 

GDP- $176.3 billion ( US 2012)
GDP per Capita- $3867
Life Expectancy- 71 years
Literacy- 99.7% of population over age 15 can read or write
              - Men: 99.8% Women: 99.7%

AIDS/HIV rate - Total number of people( 2011): 230 000                        

                          - Adult Prevalence:0.8%
                          - Total number of deaths: 22 000

Main Economic industries: Agriculture, Natural gas, Coal Industries, Rich Salt Deposits

Type of government: Ukraine is under a semi-presidential legislature. the government contains three branches; executive, judicial, and legislative. There is a head of the state and the President of Ukraine. They both have a major influence on the executive branch. But the highest government body in the executive branch is the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. 

Level Of Peace and Freedom: 

Ukraine is now a peaceful place because of their lack of acknowledgement that the Holodomor even occurred. 

Mayan Genocide

Mayan Genocide 1981-1983



Historical Background

In 1944 a new enlightened government was put into rule over Guatemala. This government was pushing to  put Guatemala on the economic map by starting coffee plantations and flourish those businesses.  In the early 1960's civil war erupted because of the inequalities in the economic and political life. This war was fought between the government of Guatemala and various rebel groups including the Mayan people.  In the 1970's the Mayan had decided to protest against the repressive government to gain the equality of the Mayan language and culture. During the 1980's the Guatemala army installed "Operation Sophia", with hopes to end the Guerilla warfare. They targeted the Mayan people, who were believed to support the Guerilla 

Important Dates 

1944- New enlightened Government
1962- Start of Civil War
1981 - Mayan leaders protested against the Guatemalan government and the government responded by the start of the Genocide. 

Nations/ Groups/ Individuals Involved

Efrain Rios Monnt 
Mayan people - the target of this ethnic cleansing
Guatemalan Government - used the Guatemalan Army as"killing machines"
Efrain Rios Monnt- Dictator of Guatemala
USA - provided military support to the Guatemalan government in the form of arms and equipment
(The US support was understood as strategic or indifferent to the fate of the Mayan people.)

Reasons and means of Promotion for the Genocide

It was believed that the Mayan people were working towards a communist coup. Guatemalan army created "Operation Sophia" to end the Guerilla warfare. This operation target the Mayan people and ignited the beginning of the Mayan Genocide.

 Important Dates/Events During Genocide

1981-1983 - 2 years of 'The Silent Holocaust' 

Atrocities Committed

Mayan communities were exterminated en masse using cruel methods. Those methods include rape, beating, thrown alive in to pits where dead bodies were thrown, and being impaled and left to die.  The army destroyed 626 villages, killed over 200,000 people, and displaced 1.5 million, while more than 150,000 people were forced to seek refuge in Mexico.

Peace Settlements/ UN Action 

In 1991 peace talks were set up in the UN, but their progress was poor. They resumed in 1994 and an accord on human rights protection was signed by the government. A peace agreement was finally settled and signed in 1996. Part of the peace agreement was setting up The historical Clarification Commission to investigate atrocities of the civil war and genocide. 

Any Criminal Charges/ War Crimes Tribunal

 On January 26, 2012, Efrain Rios Montt, former Guatemalan dictator, was charged with genocide and crimes against humanity.

Current Status of the Nation 

$50.81 billion USD in 2012
GDP per capita 
$3368.49 USD in 2012
Life Expectancy 
Total population - 70.6%
Male 78%
Women 63.3%
HIV rate
Adult prevalence rate 0.7%
Government Type
Constitutional Democratic Republic
Literacy Rate
Total population - 70.6%
Men- 78%
Women -63.3%
Level of Peace and Freedom 
The government has made a huge leap forward in the struggle for openness and taking accountability. They have made many laws that strengthen the peace and freedom of the people. Although there is laws to promote equality, discrimination against indigenous Guatemalans is still evident.